

The Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum develops an ambitious programme of exhibits and events aimed at raising the profile of Cristóbal Balenciaga, highlighting his important role in the history of fashion and design, and his legacy on today's world of fashion. The exhibitions will be accompanied by other events such as classes, lectures and educational workshops geared to different audiences and aimed at enhancing the museum visit.

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Balenciaga character


Through the third and final in the curated exhibition series, ‘Balenciaga. Character’, the Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum seeks to examine the great master’s work from a new, previously unexplored perspective, focusing on what makes ‘a Balenciaga’ so instantly recognisable.

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Chillida Balenciaga. Plying form


With roots in Gipuzkoa and a bonds of friendship connecting them, Eduardo Chillida (San Sebastián, 1924 - San Sebastián 2002) and Cristóbal Balenciaga (Getaria, 1895 - Valencia 1972) also shared a common philosophical foundation.

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This year, International Museum Day 2024 is celebrating the theme ‘Museums for Education and Research’ and museums everywhere are invited to showcase their importance as dynamic educational institutions of discovery, learning, and cultural understanding.

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Workshops for families

(U)topian Silhouettes

The initiative will explore the meaning of the silhouette to recognize the transformations that the body undergoes through the clothes that cover it. Participating families will discover the actions that clothing exerts on body shapes and will create new silhouettes in school using an original creative method.

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Niños de recurso II
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Workshops for families

From the plane to the volume

The activity aims to convey tangible concepts of shape and geometry in the creations of the fashion designer from Getaria. By configuring different geometric figures on a pattern, in two dimensions, and developing them by solving simple problems, the participants will obtain three-dimensional pieces adapting to the human body. Become a textile architect!

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